Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fix A Heart - Demi Lovato

Hope everyone is having a great week! I have a few days left of spring break - so I thought I would upload a picture of my mani!

I haven't posted in awhile and I apologize. I lost my camera cord so I had no way of connecting my camera to my laptop. It is still missing...but I found a temporary one that works (very slowly).

I did this on Monday, so I had two days to enjoy it before I went to the car dealership and got a new one. Yep, I said that correctly. At my car dealership - free manicures are offered while you wait for your car to be serviced. How awesome, right!?

I am terrible at painting my nails. I don't like to post my manis, but was really digging the glitter polish that I bought! Can't wait to try it out with some other reds and pinks.

Hope to get a makeup post up this week! I've had some personal problems recently but things seem to be going back to normal...going to get back to posting regularly! Have a few reviews for you all, also. 

Enjoy your weekend!