Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Did It On 'Em - Nicki Minaj

Its almost concert time!!! AHH I'm so excited! Fall is my favorite time for concerts... Especially hanson concerts! I get to see all my friends that I only get to see at their concerts. I'm super excited about the first concert I'm going to this tour because its in nashvile... Which is where my faveeee nail polish store is haha!

Anyway, remember the color club set I bought? Poptastic? Yeah.. I wanted to use it.. But I wanted to use all the colors lol.. So I painted each of my nails one of the colors with the intention of taking them off.. But I couldn't. I just decided to put some OPI shatter on top and wear it for a few days lol! I like it.... And a man with a beard told me that he liked them too! My life is now complete haha
Oh! And I'm going on a trip this weekend! With my bfffff to NC! Oh yes I'm excited!
xoxo - Summer


  1. Love the mani!! Fall is my favorite time too because of concert season. While I'm not going to a hanson concert I am super excited for the every avenue concert!! hahaaa

  2. this mani is awesome! have a great time on your trip!

  3. Love the skittles-but not a fan of the crackle!

  4. Hope the concert was awesome -- love the happy bright colors, it's super fun!

  5. awesome! so bright and colourful! :D
    please take a look at my blog and maybe follow? :D

  6. Gorg! ♥
