Friday, April 13, 2012

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jespen

Hey guysss!

Its fridayyyy and its the 13th. Spppppoky haha, everyone should stay away from lakes and Woods today! Haha

Anyway, I have some nail art for ya... Its just dots... But they are cute! I used a base color of zoya bevin and then added some dots with zoya Jana! I really wanted to use these colors since I just got them.. After waiting foreverrrrr. I like hide simple this design is... Any one can do it but it always looks super cute.

Wellll I hope you all have a good Friday the 13th!!!!!

xx Summer


  1. Happy Friday the 13th!! Super cute artwork, too. :)

  2. Thank you! My Friday the 13th was awesome!
