Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Man Down - Rihanna


As you can see.. this is defffff a post from when i first started doing nail art. I think i had actually just gotten my dotting tool.. and thought i was sooo rad with it haha.

I used Essie - Cute As a Button... in the bottle it looks pink.. but this picture makes it look very orangey.. the dots are midnight snowfall by nicole by opi and the gold dots are just a randooo gold :)

Also, look at those acrylics.. i think this is the first time i had ever tried them.. and u can DEFFF tell.. thank god im better at them now. (i dont wear them tho, fyi) Here is cute As a Button on its own... its a cute color.. maybe i should bust this out before summers end :) BTW im STILLL awaiting my zoya package.. oh, did yall take advantage of the .99c sinful colors? i TOTALLLLY did. Ill show u in my August haul post :)

xoxo - Summer


  1. such a cute manicure! I love the dots as a french tip. Very neat looking. I know what you mean about looking back at old photos and realizing how much better you have gotten at something. I have some pretty bad photos haha.

  2. Beautiful manicure! The acrylics really don't look bad at all. I would have never known it was your first time trying them. You have a new follower :)
