Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Heartless - A Day To Remember

BIRTHDAAYYY MANI #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey guys, its me again; Summer. Im sorry I havent posted in a couple of days.. Ive been sort of MIA. BUTTT!!!!! im back and with a pretty new mani! This is of course just a simple design (my specialty haha)

I used one of my pretty new polishes from my birthday prezzy.. its Finger Paints - Stunning Stilettos and a random neon orange from Sally Girl. I think it turned out cute - I LOVE neons with dull shades.. i know.. im weird.

AHHH in this picture you can see all of the imperfections, and i also should have used a top coat. but im sure you all can see that :p but for what its worth.. its still cute :)

OH! and a little update on my life, im almost moved. BLAH! But im actually happy right now, and i think that the decisions that have been made are truly for the best. OHHHH YEAAHH i also have like 4 or 5 concerts lined up for the next month. You should totalllly be JEALY!

-- Now a lot of you all know that Alexis and I met at a hanson concert.. We have both been fans since 1997 - the very beginning. A lot of people who are non fans.. dont understand why we would travel all over the place just to see -what they would say is- a washed up band from the 90's. well... a friend of ours has a blog.. and I think you should see why. This is what Holly wrote:

And I will leave you with that!

xoxo - Summer


  1. I like how you placed the hearts on the side of the nails :)

  2. This turned out awesome! I love the color combo & the placement of the heart on your thumb. I'll have to try this :)

  3. haha thanks guys - it really took less than 5 min from the base polish to the hearts. sooo fast.

  4. The colors and little hears are perfect!

  5. What a cute mani, I will definitely be trying this for myself except I'll use pink polish!
