Wednesday, February 02, 2011

If You Can Afford Me - Katy Perry

Hey everyone! It's Alexis. I would have posted yesterday, but I've been sick with the flu. I haven't been experimenting with my makeup too much these past few days. I haven't been feeling well at all. My first post is going to be about something that I have bought recently and I adore: Katy Perry's OPI collection of nail polish!

From left to right: "Teenage Dream", "Not Like The Movies", "Last Friday Night", "The One That Got Away", and the Black Shatter Polish.

You can purchase all of these polishes at Ulta for $8.50, I believe. I would have to double check on the price. I decided to buy the mini pack. It includes mini bottles of all of the Katy Perry polishes excluding the black shatter! It was about $12.50. Since the mini pack didn't come with the black shatter, I bought a full bottle separately. I was dying to try it out. 

Read more after the cut!

So far I have tried "Not Like The Movies" and "Last Friday Night." My mom tried the "The One That Got Away" color. I have yet to try "Teenage Dream."

Here is a promo picture of the shades with the shatter polish applied. 

"Last Friday Night" - I was really disappointed with it. I'm a huge fan of bright royal blue colors, so I had high expectations. The color really didn't turn out like the picture at all. I put on about 3 or 4 coats and it was still turning out this light baby blue color. Please excuse the crappy picture, but this is what the color turned out to be. After awhile, I ended up liking the color. I just really would have liked it if it had turned out like the promo picture. I probably will have to apply a bright blue base color, then add this glitter color over it, to get the same effect as the promo. Also, I really DIDNT like it it with the black shatter over it. It just didn't match well, in my opinion. It would look better if it was brighter.

"Not Like The Movies" - I really really like this color! With the light, it seems to change colors! sometimes it looks purple, green, gray, gold...its just a really pretty color! It looks great with the black shatter also. It is a great color. I'm attaching a picture of my toes, both the same color, one picture with flash on and one with flash off. You can see how the color seems to change with the light. So pretty!


"The One That Got Away" - It is pretty close to the promo picture. It is a deep purple color. I saw it on my mom's nails. Its a nice color. I don't really care for purple polishes in general. If I were to wear a purple-ish color though, It would be this one! Its a deep color and it is quite pretty. I would pick one of the others though before this one....just because of my personal preference. Try it out for yourself though. Sorry I don't have a picture of her nails. It's not really necessary though. It stays true to the promo.

"Teenage Dream" - Like I said, It is probably really similar to "Last Friday Night". It will probably end up turning out like a light pink glitter polish. Probably really close to the promo picture...just a little lighter. I'm guessing. Try it out :)

The stand out polish, to me, is definitely the Black Shatter! 

After you apply your base coat (any color you want) you just apply one coat of the black shatter and watch the magic happen. The black cracks and shatters right before your eyes. You can put on a thin coat of shatter for thinner cracks, or a thicker coat for wider cracks.
Definitely Definitely Definitely: Apply a top coat over the black shatter once it dries! It gives it a more polished, salon-look. It really makes a difference. It definitely turns heads and gets your friends to say "How did you do that!?!?!" 

Overall, I love this collection! If you were going to buy any full sized bottle out of this collection, BUY THE BLACK SHATTER! You can use it with any base color! It is definitely worth the money.
 I wouldn't buy a full sized bottle of each Katy Perry collection, at first. I would definitely buy the mini pack of 4, so you can test them all out for a lower price! Then, go back and buy a full sized bottle of your favorites!

Have a beautiful day! Xo

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