Wednesday, May 04, 2011

She Aint You - Chris Brown

So for Easter my madre gave me an acrylic nail kit - with everything i would need to start practicing on how to do those... i know, my mom is awesome right? right.

Anyways, i used an opal tip and then used white acrylic powder - because i like to paint my nails and i figured if i did this i wouldnt have to use a base coat.

this is the result of my 2nd attempt.. i must say.. i did waaay better than expected. a few of my friends who go to have theirs professionally done said that they looked great for a 2nd attempt and want me to do their fill ins! hahaha

what do you all think? would you let me near your nails with acrylic?! hahah :) In this picture the nail color that i am wearing is Essie - Cute As A Button

ANNNDDDD this is after i added dots, the purple is Nina Pro - punky purple and the gold is Gold Grill


  1. you did a great job! is it one of those drug store kits??
    one of my friends has been eyeing one of those, but we don't know if it would work well or not!

  2. The design is too cute!! Now following :)

  3. actually - it was a kit from sallys for like 20 bucks. i watched a tutorial about the drugstore kit tho - seems like it would be easy enough to figure out!

    thanks lenae! you guys are awesome!
