Monday, May 30, 2011

May Haul!!!!

Well, I think I did well this month. I didnt go TOOOO crazy, but I got some great staples for my collection.

My boyfriend always asks me HOW I can spend so much time/money/effort into nail polish of all things. I justify it as a hobby. Some people do toy trains, some collect knick knacks, and I... well I buy nail polish. I essplained it to him in man terms - I said you buy fishing poles and tackle - I buy nail polish and dotting tools! hahahha his reply was HIGH-larious... all he said was 'I understand' which obviously means... I give up. LOL anyyyway - this is what I got - plus a few of the colors i always try to keep.. but u dont need to see those :p


  1. Awesome haul! I really like nail polish too, it's like my new obsession. I really like the Zoya darker gray polish on the right. I have the new Black Shatter nail polish by OPI that would look great on top of that color. I have to pick that one up. I really like your blog. I'm now following :)

  2. aw, thanks!!! yeah i love that zoya color - its called caitlin.. its sort of a purple gray!

  3. My May haul was unreal ... something like 110. Yikes! I can justify this though: tax return! Haha. And the fact that 50% cost less than $2.50 each.

  4. 110!!!!!!!!!!!! omg - that just blew my mind lol i think youre my new nail idol! hahahah
