Thursday, June 16, 2011

E.T. - Katy Perry

Hi there! its me, Summer.

As you all know, ive been practicing my sponging technique - trying to get better at it. so while i was surfing the net the other day at work, i came across the 'galaxy nails' concept - and im basically in love. i mean.. my inner nerd was SCREAMING for me to do these. i was completely in love with the way they turned out.

I used about 4 different colors. Started with a base and layered the other colors on top with a sponge. I love the way that none of the colors looked like the original after i was finished!

I used my dotting tool to add a few 'orbs' and blended the harsh white by dabbing on some of claires venomous polish....
so tell me...................... do yall like it? and im sure you can guess why i chose this song :p

wellllllllllllllllllll - i guess im off to eat mexican with my bestttttesttttttt!!!!


  1. Super cute and awesome!!! Freakin' amazing, this looks so difficult to do ^_^

  2. I hope you enjoyed your Mexican food!

    Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Go check out my blog to see what it's all about! :)

  3. That's so cool!!! I want to do that! But I'm not sure I'd have enough patience! :)
