Monday, June 13, 2011

Zoya 'touch' Review pt1

Hello - its me, Summer. I had the opportunity to review and swatch zoya's 'minka.' I really liked the consistency - very milky and only needed 2 coats to be completely opaque. I can't stress how thick the formula was.... Honestly it could have used some thinner.... But it dried nicely.

im honestly not sure if i love it or not, i think it makes me look like i have mannequin hands.. but maybe if my skin wasnt so cullen like.. and i actually had a tan.. it may look better...

since i knew i wasnt going to have this polish on for long i decided to practice sponging. i used deborah lippmann 'no more drama' and a random gold polish.. i think i need more practice LOL... what do yall think???


  1. I think it turned out really nice! I like it! : )

  2. thanks!!! not as fun of a post as california gurlls! im glad u had fun!! i CANNOT wait until we to go to a concert together again - i mean.. after all we DID meet at a concert :)

  3. Thanks! : ) AH yes! I can't wait either!! Then, we can make a massive combination post. If only a certain someone would schedule his hometown show already ; )

  4. I KNOW! i keep bugging him. but... it will happen. it has too. i HAVE to see him live. HAVE TO!
