Friday, June 17, 2011

Nominated for a Liebster Blog Award!!!

DID Y'ALL HEAR?!!!!! We were nominated for our first blog award by the lovely nail blog: A Polished Touch. I was extra excited to be nominated by her because of all the people who comment on our blog - she really seems like she reads the posts, instead of just skimming through and looking at the pictures like most people do!!!

Im SOO happy that you all like hearing what we have to say!! Anyways - we ACCEPT this award and we PASS it along to:

Forever1992 - because Monique is SO sweet - and always leaves the best comments.. not to mention shes GORGE!

Heartnat - because Natalie has the longest - best shaped nails EVER, and we're a little jealous.

OTTbeauty - because they started their blog around the same time we did - and its 2 fun girlys doing the same thing we are!

well - there are the noms!!!! so go and check them out! NOW!


  1. Congrats on the award and on your growing blog!

  2. Congratulations and thank you! I've received a few awards, but this one is my fav hands down. You ladies are so sweet, this made my day!

  3. ahahah thank you so much, and you deserve this award so much!! CONGRATS! ^_^
