Monday, June 27, 2011

Tim McGraw - Taylor Swift

Well helllllo there! I've had quite the day today! One of my good friends from high school moved to Knoxville today and I finally spent some time wiff her!!!! Wooohooo for friends!!!!!

Anyway, I joined the PolishAholics Anonymous group on facebook and they are doing this awesome thing called manicure Mondays! This weeks theme was floral. Now I didn't want to go with those same ole blob flowers that everyone does and I didn't wanna stamp either... BUT I didn't have time to do anything super cute so I just went with simple flowers. But I love it! So easy and cute. I may try it again. I saw a similar technique on the daily nail. Yall should try it!!!!

Sorry I'm so late ( I just barely made it before Tuesday!) But tell me whatcha think!


  1. This is so cute! Is the color club one vintage couture? If it is, I love that nail polish!

  2. I don't think this mani could get much cuter!

  3. it IS vintage couture! i love that polish too!
